About Montgomery + Evelyn
I believe that targeted solution based supplements can transform your life
How you feel tomorrow, starts today: What does it mean to be mentally well?
To feel mentally well needs our mind, body and brain to be functioning in balance. Transforming your brain health has a cascade of benefits that can take your wellbeing journey one step further. Not only can you feel great but you are getting one step closer to living the life you want.
Here at M+E I believe in the fundamentals of true, science-based, wholistic mental health:
Moving Nutrients Breathing Connection Purpose
I also know that sometimes all those things just aren’t enough to transform your mental wellbeing.
I believe in targeted solution-based supplements that can transform your life because I’ve seen it in myself, in my family and in my clients.
When I was struggling with low mood, low energy and low motivation the doctor’s answer was to offer me anti-depressant medication. But I, as a psychologist, wanted to look at what was underlying my problems and got some nutrient and amino acid tests done.
It showed that my levels of B vitamins and amino acids were low. Within months of proper supplementation my levels were back up and I felt completely different.
I started to see the true power of supplements on my mood and energy. So I began to study in depth how nutrients impact our mental health.
I looked at my clients to see if nutrients could help with the issues that they struggle with and I thought could I create solutions that could help transform people’s lives?
For me, taking supplements isn’t necessarily about filling gaps, it’s about optimising your current and future health.
Where some see supplements, I see a happier future.
Giving your body and brain that little extra something that it needs so that you feel your best, be your best and live your best life is the power of supplements.
I wonder what you would do if you had abundant energy every day?
Health opens doors. Health transforms lives.
I couldn’t find anything out there that ticked all my boxes - and I had a lot of boxes to tick - so I worked with specialists who developed the quality formulations that I wanted to take myself.
Always putting safety, quality, efficacy and outcomes first I wanted them to be clean and pure.
I didn’t want any nasties - no chemicals, no bulking agents, no allergens and absolutely no animal products.
Nothing but methylated B vitamins and nootropics to boost my brain.
Making them in the UK, at locations I could visit and check, meant that all the ingredients and manufacturing processes were of the highest standards.
I worked on the the formulas for 2 years to bring you the most innovative and pioneering supplements for mental health.
I have tested each and every product on myself, my family and my clients and not only do we feel great, but we feel that we are getting ever closer to attaining optimal health and wellbeing.
Full of energised focus and enjoyment for life.
Now you can take your wellbeing journey one step further with M+E supplements.
They are your daily choice that I believe will redefine your expectations of what it feels like to be healthy.
All made in England to British quality + standards, by companies that I connect with + visit personally.
It is also my mission to spread the life-saving + life-changing power of nutrition globally to mothers + children at risk of malnutrition by connecting with + contributing to the wonderful charity, Vitamin Angels.
By taking these vitamins you are doing something amazing for your brain at the same time as supporting the nutrition + health of people across the globe + supporting small businesses in Britain + doing your bit for the planet.
Why use M + E?
All made in England to British quality + standards, by companies that I connect with + visit personally.
It is also my mission to spread the life-saving + life-changing power of nutrition globally to mothers + children at risk of malnutrition by connecting with + contributing to the wonderful charity, Vitamin Angels.
By taking these vitamins you are doing something amazing for your brain at the same time as supporting the nutrition + health of people across the globe + supporting small businesses in Britain + doing your bit for the planet.

Our ingredients, honestly
We’re so proud of our 100% active ingredients we write them BIG on our boxes…
Dotting the Is and Crossing the Ts - all the info you might need to know before taking M+E Supplements and some wellness jargon demystified by founder and mood nutrition expert, Evelyn Montgomery
So if you are feeling low + would like to feel happier: HAPPY ME is the one for you
If you are feeling anxious + would like to feel calmer: CALM ME is the one for you
If you are feeling flat + would like an energy boost: ENERGY ME is the one for you
If you are feeling a mixture of all of these things + you want something to do everything: MOOD ME is the one for you
If you're still not sure Evelyn has designed a product quiz which will give you a personalised recommendation. Take the quiz here >
Of course that is the goal! There are a couple of ways to do this.
1 Just take MOOD ME to see if that boosts your Mood Transmitter levels on its own.
2 Add HAPPY ME or CALM ME or ENERGY ME to top up with an extra boost on alternate days.
1 or 2 each day.
Each packet has 60 capsules + will last between 1 + 2 months.
There are 15 capsules on each sheet to make it easy for you take with you on your daily travels to work or uni or training or on holiday.
Like with any medication, the time for natural nutrition based therapy to have an effect varies. As with anti-depressant medication there should be a significant difference within a few weeks.
Some people will feel a difference straight away.
Every body is different.
Taking them consistently is key.
Once a day.
Definitely take the ENERGY ME in the morning or you might have trouble getting to sleep!
Some people like to take HAPPY ME in the evening as the Tryptophan + 5HTP gets you ready to sleep; other people like to take it earlier in the day.
CALM ME is good in the evening too but if you are chronically stressed you can take them at any time.
MOOD ME is best taken in the morning.
Do what feels right for you.
It is recommended that you take them with food.
Tryptophan can have this affect. Try reducing the dose by taking them on alternate days. Please consult a Doctor if you have any symptoms.
How long should I take them for?
If you eat a really healthy diet hopefully you will only need to take them for about 3 months.
Your body will tell you when you don’t need them (you will start forgetting to take them because you feel so well) + also when you need to start taking them again to top up your diet (you will start to notice when the old symptoms start creeping back into your life).
Are they difficult to swallow?
The capsules are smooth + most people say that they easy to swallow.
If you hate swallowing they can be split + sprinkled into drinks or smoothies.
There are no bulking agents or chemicals in them so we have got the most active ingredients we can in the smallest capsule possible so that you only have to take 2 capsules each day.
Vegetable cellulose
Yes - it's important to us to make them suitable for everyone to take.
Yes - they are free of all allergens. There is no gluten or dairy or sugar. Nothing but pure active ingredients.
No. However some people struggle with supplements repeating on them. If this is you, try taking some digestive enzymes to help your stomach.
Yes, your brain needs a high quality Omega 3 oil.
We are developing a beautiful blend of plant based omega oils for you. Our Vegan Omega - OMEGA ME is coming soon.
No - these supplements are designed for adults. Only suitable for people from 18-100 years old.
Mood Nutrition is all about prioritising our focus on fuelling your brain with all the nutrients it needs to optimise your mental + physical wellbeing.
It may be news to you that our thoughts + feelings + emotions + energy levels are all impacted by the level of nutrients available to our brains?
These levels are affected by what we eat (where are the gaps?) + the supplements we take (are they activated formulas that our bodies can utilise?) + our gut microbiome (do the good bacteria out weigh the bad?) + how well we absorb nutrients (it really does vary) + our genes (some people can't metabolise some vitamins unless they are methylated, for instance) + of course our stress levels (chronic + acute).
At M+E we passionately believe that we need to look at our health from 360˚ - which is why we called the range 360ME.
We need to look at the whole picture from nutrients + exercise to mindfulness + rest to creativity + connection.
Our mission is to help you build your own toolkit with the best bioavailable nutrients together with top tips for biohacking (definition below) your way to supercharge your brain. Your brain is the key to your health. And your health is your wealth.
Biohacking is the process of thinking about your health from the perspective of the underlying causes of the symptoms rather than simply fixing the symptoms themselves. A bit like rather than just taking a painkiller for a bad back but also looking at how posture + muscle tone + alignment + nutrition might be the cause.
The biohacking approach is the process of making changes to your lifestyle; to "hack" the ways to get your body into optimum health.
You can actually transform your body + mind yourself.
Taking responsibility for the choices you make + the impact they have on your body can transform your energy levels + your productivity + your happiness + make it possible to live your best life.
360ME has been designed to help you biohack your psychological wellbeing.
We have developed unique pioneering formulas synergistically combining many powerful + body-ready nutrients into 2 daily easy-to-take capsules in beautiful life-ready blister packs.
Easy to take on the go wherever your life takes you (the South Pole for one of our tribe!)
What will you do with all your extra energy?
What dreams will you make come true?
Whilst our focus is providing the best nutrients for you, we are also passionate about being planet-friendly, too.
Not packaged in plastic pots but in beautiful boxes made from paper sourced from managed renewable forests.
We are always looking for the kindest materials to package our vitamins in + are committed to an ongoing exploration of the most planet-friendly packaging.
We also have a social conscious. Not only do we want to produce good vitamins that do you good but we also want to do good things too.
We are committed to donating to Vitamin Angels, an organisation that distributes vitamins to malnourished women + children across the globe.
So by taking 360ME you are helping others + contributing to something amazing which is having a life-changing impact for our fellow humans on our planet.
We are a small pioneering company which values trust + transparency about all else.
That's why you can read all the ingredients on the back of the boxes without a magnifying glass!
Clearly there are no chemicals or bulking agents in our capsules.
They are in Trufil capsules made from a vegetable cellulose that can also be split + sprinkled on your food if you are unable to swallow capsules.
Filled with only 100% active ingredients and nothing else.
They have no allergens + all the ingredients are vegan.
All 360ME products are made in companies visited and known to our founder that comply with the high levels of testing + quality control that British standards guarantee.
Anything we haven’t covered + you would like to know please contact us at
+ we will be in touch soonest - in fact, you are more than likely to hear back from the person who actually designed the formulas herself - putting years of heart + sould into making them something she would be proud to recommend.
Read more about founder Evelyn Montgomery's story here, or shop the 360ME range here.