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What is the Best Supplement for Tiredness and Fatigue: Energy Me Ingredients

I think we all accept that supplements can help keep us well. We need them for our bodies to function properly. Lack of vitamins has been linked over hundreds of years to various illnesses.

In 2020 Vitamin D3 has been backed by science to help support our immune systems [16].

So it follows that nutrients also have an impact on your brain and your mental health.

Energy Me by M+E is a pioneering and unique superblend of nutrients to support and repair your mental health, especially if you are struggling with tiredness, exhaustion, feeling flat and low energy levels.

It is designed to naturally boost your energy levels and ease your symptoms of tiredness if you would rather not use caffeine.

This is the one for you if you are recovering from stress, burn out, illness, post viral fatigue, or if you sleep badly and don’t want those afternoon slumps.

It’s also got lots of ingredients that can help you find the energy to get out and exercise or to boost your training regime.

And if you have brain fog and your memory and cognition is not quite what it used to be there are lots of nootropics that will help your cognitive processing.

Would like something to naturally boost your mental and physical energy levels?

When your body and brain start running low on certain indispensable nutrients – energy, neurotransmitters, and essential hormones levels start to fall and a simple nutrient infusion can truly turn your life around.

There are certain things that can be clues that your reserves are running low: tiredness,
feelings of burn out,
chronic fatigue,
poor physical and mental stamina,
cognitive decline,
learning difficulties,
memory problems,
and sensitivity to stress.

I thought it would be helpful if I wrote a little bit about each ingredient in the M+E superblends and how it can help you.

I’ve kept it focussed on mental and brain health benefits but all the ingredients have a cascade of wonderful effects on both your mind and body.


Energy Me is a multivitamin that supports your mental health as well as your physical health.

Are you looking to naturally enhance your energy and your mood?

Are you struggling with low mood, tiredness and low energy levels and would like something natural to help?

Are you feeling flat and numb and would like something to bring back the joy in your life?

Would you also like to boost your memory and cognition all with the same supplement?

Energy Me is a superblend multivitamin and mineral made with 100% active ingredients. Everything you need in just 2 capsules.

Energy Me is a combination of ingredients that have been put together by a psychologist specifically to support your brain health to help you feel happier, balanced and recharged [1].

Better mental health starts with the right ingredients which is why the first one in all our M+E unique superblends is
our trademarked, psychologist designed ingredient that you will only find in 360ME. And nowhere else.

MoodNutritionPlus® is a combination of 4 nootropics:
Improves mental and physical energy, improves brain power, lowers inflammation, boosts circulation, increases mental focus and increases fat burning [28].

Turns into dopamine which helps you feel joyful, energised and motivated. Dopamine also influences serotonin, and together, they play a central role in regulating your mood [19]

Helps produce serotonin, which has several health benefits including helping to promote better sleep, providing relief from anxiety and depression, providing increased emotional well-being. It alleviates the symptoms of low serotonin which include negativity, depression, seasonal affective disorder, worry, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, and irritability [17]

L -Glutamine
Is a vital nutrient for the brain helping you to feel calm and relaxed as it reduces anxiety, depression and improves sleep [20].
Glutamine also helps your intestines to rebuild and repair improving gut health and digestion

In Happy Me we have put together MoodNutritionPlus® together with:

This ingredient plays a key part in the energy transfer between cells throughout your body. CoQ10 helps to increase our bodies levels of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) [21], therefore helping to facilitate effective energy production throughout our cells. Its antioxidant properties can help to support your immune system, improve male and female fertility and reduce migraine symptoms for chronic suffers.

It has also been shown that supplementing with CoQ10 can help increase power during exercise and reduce fatigue, both of which can improve exercise performance [22]

Vitamin B Complex
All B vitamins in our M+E superblends are methylated.

What is methylation?
Methylated vitamins are the active versions of vitamins which your body can readily make use of, while un-methylated vitamins must go through a conversion process before your body can actually use them.

The problem is that many people are unable to make that conversion in their bodies because they have a genetic mutation that prevents it.

All humans have a gene called the MTHFR gene which is responsible for converting some vitamins into their usable state by the body.

60% of the U.S. and 40% of Australian and British people population have a mutation to this gene.

For all individuals who have the gene abnormality, the absorption of B-complex vitamins is either largely inefficient or lacking altogether.

So those vitamins remain mostly unabsorbed, and can simply build up to the point of toxicity.

Taking methylated B vitamins means that you can absorb them in a body ready form.

Sometimes this is the key that unlocks the optimal functioning of our brains and bodies.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCL)
Thiamine is very important to our brain for energy, positive mood, its powerful anti-stress properties as well as being useful for focus and concentration. Low energy, depression, fatigue, PMS and sleep disorders may be signs of mild deficiency (low levels of B1) which can be corrected with supplements [12].

Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothenate)
Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, is one of the most important vitamins for human life. It’s necessary for making blood cells, it helps you convert the food you eat into energy, it enhances memory, it reduces brain fog helping with focus and concentration as part of the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine [14].
It’s also great for hair helping with sheen and reducing hair loss.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate)
Helps our brain function and the body make the hormones serotonin (which regulates mood) and norepinephrine (which helps your body cope with stress) [32]. Vitamin B6 also helps our body make melatonin, which is important in helping regulate your internal clock and your sleep

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Depression and fatigue are symptoms of low Biotin levels[2] and it is one of the vitamins that is indispensable for the normal functioning of the brain. The brain needs biotin to make neurotransmitters that keep you feeling mentally alert, happy and attentive. It’s great for hair and nails too.

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid L-5 MTHF)
B9 is essential in the brain for making neurotransmitters and DNA. Supplementation has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms in people with normal and low folate levels [3].
It also helps with female fertility, reduces inflammation, and helps to balance blood sugar levels.

Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is crucial for the release of energy, for the production of neurotransmitters and for the normal function of the brain and the nervous system. It is also involved in the formation of red blood cells and helps to create and regulate DNA [15].
The metabolism of every cell in the body depends on vitamin B12. It helps with the release of energy by helping the human body absorb folic acid.
(This is especially important for vegans and vegetarians as the main source of B12 in food is in meat).

Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate)
Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to depression and anxiety [7] and adding extra Vitamin C has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and low energy levels [8]. It has also been shown to improve thinking and memory.
It is a strong antioxidant that boosts your immunity, fights infections, speeds up wound healing and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease.
(and it’s great for your skin).

Low levels of choline have been linked to increased anxiety symptoms [23] It is required to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating memory, mood and intelligence [24].

Affects the processes that make neurotransmitters, including Serotonin. This has many roles in your body and impacts your behaviour and mood [25].
It helps with depression and anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and panic attacks
It has been found to help with weight loss too [26].

Microbacteria Blend (Probiotics)
Lactobacillus Acipophilus, Bulgaricus
Bifido Breve, Longum, Infantis
Saccharomyces Boulardii

Psychobiotics are a group of probiotics that improve not only our gut and digestive function but also our brains and moods with antidepressant and anti-stress effects [18].

Did you know that 90% of our serotonin and 50% of our dopamine is made in our gut and not the brain? And that our gut influences our mood, cognition, and mental health.

Stress can lead to changes in both the numbers and types of bacteria. This can have a knock-on effect for mood via the gut-brain communication system known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.

Probiotics are not just supplements. Probiotic bacteria actually live in the gut microbiome and have science-backed benefits for mental health.

Species of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus are found in the colon where they exert a positive influence on whole body health including alleviating anxiety, memory, and cognitive symptoms and improves our stress resilience.

In this unique blend of probiotics we have included special ones that have an important role in alleviating negative emotions, improving cognitive function, and also relieving psychological stress.

It’s pretty amazing how nutrients can help isn’t it?

We all tend to eat the same sorts of foods each week which means that over time we start to miss some crucial nutrients.

It means that we end up with deficiencies and gaps without even realising it. This has a huge impact on how our bodies and brains work. We adjust and just think that it is our normal. It’s just what we have to put up with.
But this isn’t the case.

You can make a change.

That’s where a high quality supplement can help fix the deficiencies and fill the gaps.

Your health and your life feels transformed.

You have abundant energy and joy comes back into our lives.

Happy Me contains the perfect mix to naturally boost your serotonin levels, to lift your mood, ease your anxiety, to help you relax and sleep better.
Take care,
"I'm usually a bit of a caffeine addict to keep me alert throughout the day but taking one of these in the morning with my breakfast has really helped me feel more awake throughout the day and avoid that afternoon slump." Jasmin H








































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